Photos on the RIIC site are the property of the photographers. Special thanks to Bert Crowfoot at, Don Bain at the Union of BC Indian Chiefs, and Jeff Bear at for providing the images on the front page.

Stanford’s Bill Lane Centre for the American West provided funding to build the site (
Unless otherwise noted, all content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.5 Canada License. (
That means you are free to translate, transform, reprint, or otherwise reuse RIIC content, as long as:
• you are not using it for commercial purposes, and
• you attribute it to RIIC, preferably with a link back to the original content.
For instance, under this license, you could:
— translate the entire site into Inuktitut
— redistribute the RIIC Guide to students in a college course
— use our blog ramblings as lyrics in your special powwow hiphop remix.
Of course, RIIC would love to hear of any interesting uses to which you’re putting our work. Feel free to get in touch.